Using Visual Studio Code & Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC)
TFVC, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code
.NET CultureInfo in Windows 10
Windows 10, .NET
How we moved to Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2017
HowTo: Get User Information & Group Memberships from Active Directory via C#
Active Directory, .NET
Create NuGet packages with Cake
Cake, NuGet
Build & run xUnit tests with Cake
Cake, xUnit
GitHub API: Create or update files
GitHub, Octokit
DbProviderFactories: Write database agnostic ADO.NET code
DbProviderFactory, ADO.NET, SQL
Enable SSL with custom domains on GitHub Pages via Cloudflare
SSL, HTTPS, GitHub, Cloudflare
Writing loops in T-SQL
Lets convert a WPF app to the Universal Windows Platform
UWP, WPF, DesktopAppConverter, Centennial
TFS 2015: Adding a new Windows Build Agent
TFS, Build
CAKE: Building solutions with C# & Roslyn
CAKE, Build, MSBuild
FAKE: Build ASP.NET projects with web.config transformation (and without knowing a tiny bit of F#)
Copy to clipboard with Javascript
Javascript, HTML
Get the Windows 10 or 8 accent color in WPF
Windows, WPF
Debugging .NET based Windows Error Reports (WER)
Debugging, .NET, WER, Windows
XML Autocompletion with AvalonEdit
XML, .NET, AvalonEdit, IntelliSense
Parsing XML Schemas in .NET
Using FontAwesome in UWP apps
OSS, FontAwesome, UWP
Using Travis CI for GitHub Pages builds
Jekyll, GitHub Pages, Travis CI
Pretty Print XML in .NET
ExpensiveMeeting - a Universal Windows Platform OSS app using Template10
UWP, OSS, Template10
Shipping Visual C++ 2015 redistributable DLLs with your app or how to do an app-local deployment
VCRedist, VC++, Universal CRT, Win32
Working with FontIcons in UWP
UWP, FontAwesome, Fonts, FontIcon
Serving embedded resources with ASP.NET WebApi
Working with JumpLists in WPF Apps
WPF, Windows, JumpLists
XML deserialize to abstract class, interface or base class
Nothing to do next weekend? Come to Leipzig and join the Developer Open Space 2015
Developer Open Space
WPF, Chrome Embedded and WebApi Self-hosted
FAKE: Running MSTest Tests with FAKE without knowing a tiny bit of F#
FAKE, Test, MSBuild, MSTest
Reg.exe or how to import .reg files without admin privileges
HowTo: Write to Azure Blob Storage
Semantic Versioning in a nutshell
Using PCLs in ASP.NET
FAKE: Create NuGet Packages without knowing a tiny bit of F#
Create and read NuGet Packages via Code
Microsoft Web Camp Talk in German about ASP.NET now and ASP.NET 5
Using Basic Authentication in ASP.NET WebAPI
Basic Auth, WebAPI, ASP.NET
JSON.NET deserialize to abstract class or interface
Keep your test data with your tests
Testing, Unit Tests, TDD
FAKE: Running xUnit Tests with FAKE without knowing a tiny bit of F#
FAKE, Test, MSBuild, xUnit
FAKE: Building C# projects without knowing a tiny bit of F#
FAKE, Build, MSBuild
ESENT Database Viewer: ESENT Workbench
Developer Conference in Berlin: Spartakiade
Human readable and editable config files with YAML
YAML, Configuration
Using FontAwesome with WPF
FontAwesome, WPF
We moved completely to GitHub Pages - German & English Posts migrated!
Wordpress, GitHub Pages, GitHub
Microsoft Account Auth and Profile Data via LiveSDK in ASP.NET
Microsoft Account, Auth, LiveSDK
Simple WebApp Deployment with WebDeploy and MSBuild in TFS & co.
MSBuild, WebDeploy, TFS
Easy ways to customize Bootstrap
Bootstrap, CSS
Using WebDeploy as Non-Admin
WebDeploy, IIS, MSDeploy
WinJS for Windows Store Apps: Free eBook, Videos and how you could use it with Angular.js
WinJS, Windows Store, Universal Apps, HTML, Javascript
OpenRA: Open Source Command & Conquer written in C#
OpenRA, Games, C#
Be aware of Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()'s Behaviour
Reflection, Assembly, .NET
HowTo: make out Retweet-counter in a random URL
OpenGraph for Twitter Cards
OpenGraph, Twitter
How we moved from Wordpress to Jekyll - on Windows
Wordpress, Jekyll, Migration, Windows
Visual Studio 2013 Hidden Gem: Paste JSON or XML as C# Classes
Visual Studio 2013, XML, JSON
Wordpress to Jekyll Migration and Language switch
Migration, Jekyll, WordPress, Blog, GitHub Pages
Time-controlled Azure WebJobs – Azure as easy as it get‘s
HowTo: Create RSS Feeds with ASP.NET MVC
HowTo, RSS
How to access an Azure Website with the local IIS Manager
Create and validate own Json-Web-Tokens (JWTs)
Auth, JSON
Micro-Optimization: how to shrink or „embed“ pictures
Move to Windows Azure – VMs, Word Press Migration, DNS changes
Windows Azure Active Directory – CRUD for users and groups
Introduction into SignalR 2.0 & Azure Website Websockets
ESENT – the „ancient NoSQL DB“ made by Windows
Caller Information with .NET 4.5 or „Who touched the function?“
OWIN, Katana & One ASP.NET
Katana, One ASP.NET, OWIN
Internal tools – cheap and tasteless?
TFS API: Query Build-Definitions
WebDeploy on Azure Websites using the command line
Change the WebDeploy Port or why do I need port 8172?
Windows Phone Fonts & what if Visual Studio lies
Json-Online-Tools: Viewer & Json2Csharp generator
Windows Phone SDK & „System“-Icons
How can I figure out if my ADFS 2.0 works?
Subdomain vs. Subdirectory
Guide to Claim-Based Identity with the Access Control Service
Windows Azure Websites – Logging & ErrorHandling
PowerShell SnapIns vs. Modules
Howto: create own data types
There is a new GAC with .NET 4.0?
ByeBye .NET Client Profile with .NET 4.5
Snoop – Firebug for WPF applications
Hyper-V in Windows 8 – „Mini-Private-Cloud in PC“
Windows Installer XML (Wix) and version numbers: What is important and what isn’t
How am I going to find out if .NET 4.5 is installed on my system?
Beware: the anonym Internet is full of spam
Units and interfaces
Use Twitter Login in ASP.NET MVC 4 without membership & co.
„Http 400 Bad Request“ while saving into the Azure Blob Storage?
Metro/Modern UI CSS/HTML Frameworks
Will there be a huge memory usage or something like that after the update from Windows 7 to Windows 8?
Chocolatey-apt-get for Windows
What does iOS 6 for the mobile Safari – Bildupload!
Modelbinding with complex objects in ASP.NET MVC
Use Git and GitHub behind a Proxy
404-Error: Directory beats ASP.NET MVC Routing
Captain Obvious commentaries
Client-Side vs. Server-Side HTML Rendering
A view into the 3D game-development with Unreal Engine 4 and Doom 3
OWIN – what is it about and why is it so cool?
GitHub for Windwos – first Impression
The Retina/HiRes Displays are comming! HD-Web ahoi!
Introduction to Redis on Windows & Redis usage with .NET
Automated Security Analyser for ASP.NET websites
„Sign in with Twitter“ for your own ASP.NET WebApp
ASP.NET, Twitter
CodePlex is going to be updated
What does Adobe in the flash-free web? Magazine-Style Layouts with CSS Regions!
HTML 5 Games, Tooling & 3D
Free Online-Tutorial „30 Days to Learn jQuery“
Speech Input API – speech input with an attribute in the Web?
Git-Pull Request mergen for beginners
Carriage Return / new line in Textareas
WebDev Playground: dabblet.com for HTML/CSS, jsfiddler.com for JS & HUrl.it for REST
Javascript to Dart Translator
Twitter Bootstrap as UI-kit
Twitter Bootstrap
Fix: the value ‚x‘ is not valid for Foo in ASP.NET MVC
value; ASP.NET MVC
You Tube API – recall Video Meta files with .NET
You Tube API
MacBook Pro for .NET Developer – useful or just pretty?
MacBook Pro; Apple
Windows Azure SDK for node.js & co – on GitHub!
node.js; GitHub
oEmbed – 3rd Party Content (Video/Pictures/…) embedded on your own side
Fix: „There is a duplicate ‚uri‘ section defined“ on DotNetOpenAuth
duplicate; DotNetOpenAuth
Avoid „Duplicate Content“ with IIS7 – Domain with or without www
Domain; IIS7
Icons in the „Metro Look“ for free – Monochrom/Minimalist Icons
icons; for free; metro look
NoSQL for Windows Server, Azure & SQL Server with Apache Hadoop
Keep it simple! YAGNI!
Use RavenDB as embedded Filebase
NoSQL, RavenDB
Entrance into mongoDB
MongoDB, NoSQL, RavenDB
Find out the Geo-coordinates of an address – geocoding with Google Maps
Google Maps; Geo-coordinates
TeamCity & GitHub
WebApps easy deploying with the Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles
Windows Azure Accelerator
Google Dash/Dart, Go, a Cloud IDE „Brightly“ and the future of Javascript
Fix:“401 – Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials“ on ASP.NET MVC & IIS 7
NoSQL with RavenDB and ASP.NET MVC
Entrance into Git for .NET Developer
Git; Google Code
Visual Studio Toolbars & Context-Menu cleanup / adjust
Visual Studio
Chrome Instant Page/ Prerendering – what is it and how can I use it?
Chrome; Instant Page; Prerendering
Prototype for Google + similar Feedback-Module with Html2Canvas-Screenshots with Javascript
.LESS – dynamic stylesheets for .NET Developer
Apple iCloud is using Windows Azure & Amazon AWS
“Could not load type ‚XXX.Global‘.”
Microsoft: full speed ahead into the cloud with fileupload & Node.js
Why the Windows Azure VM Role is not necessary (most of the time)
Windows Azure
Redesign of our Blog
What’s the price of Windows Azure?
Windows Azure
HowTo: migrate an established WebApp to Azure
try out Windows Azure 90 days for free
Windows Azure
HowTo: AJAX Actionlink & ASP.NET MVC 3
Glimpse Web Debugging: Firebug for the Server side
Glimpse, NuGet
Create your own cinema
HowTo: Setup of WebDeploy / MSDeploy
MSDeploy, Web Deploy
Package Management for .NET developer: NuGet
HowTo: use ASP.NET developments in VMWare & iPhone Simulator on a Mac
ASP.NET, iPhone, Mac, VMWare
Automatically deployment on windows azure with the help of a buildserver via powershell
Powershell, Windows Azure
Best Practice: version check, data base and DB updates... how to split the db in the team?
data base, version check
HowTo: detect code depending’s with NDepend & TeamCity
NDepend, TeamCity
HowTo: Fileupload with ASP.NET MVC
ASP.NET MVC, fileupload
HowToCode: Do we need UML?
Best Practice: from Design to HTML Template or at least an MVC Application
Design, Html, MVC
HowTo: deactivate #regions on Interface implementations
HowTo: jQuery hosted CDN version & local „Fallback“
CDN, Fallback, jQuery
HowTo: TeamCity & CodeCoverage with dotCover
HowTo: line number in Visual Studio 2010
line number, Visual Studio 2010
HowToCode: Development at the Speed and Scale of Google & Continuous Delivery/X
Continuous Delivery, Google
HowTo: map your own domains on Windows Azure Applications (*.cloudapp.net)
Windows Azure
The passionate programmer
Chad Fowler. passionate programmer
HowTo: Sessionless Controller in MVC3 – what & and why?
MVC3, Sessionless Controller
Bullshit-Bingo-Online with BizzBingo-RTW
HowTo: MsBuild &NUnit
MSBuild, NUnit
HowTo: apply MVC2 & Html.DropDownListFor
Html, MVC2
HowTo: apply StyleCop Settings on several projects
MSBuild, Settings, StyleCop
HowTo: MSBuild & StyleCop
MSBuild, StyleCop
HowTo: object orientated programming / OOP in Javascript (create a simple class)
class, Javascript, OOP, programming
Fix: Windows Azure Tools: Failed to initialize the Development Storage Service
Azure, Development Storage Service, Error
HowTo: Web.config Transformations with MSBuild
MSBuild, Transformations, Web.config
HowTo: AssemblyInfos – Keep it DRY!
assembly info, DLL, Don't repeat yourself
HowTo: Zipping with MSBuild
HowTo, MSBuild, MSTest, Zip
HowTo: Open MSTest with MSBuild
HowTo ; MSBuild ; MSTest
HowTo: MSDeploy & MSBuild
HowTo: Google Instant Search-box – different styles included in just one input-field?
HowTo: build MSBuild Solutions
HowTo: start visual studio always as administrator
Admin, start, Visual Studio
#region == Failcode
HowTo: 3-tier / 3-Layer architecture:
HowTo: create and remove Cookies with ASP.NET MVC
HowTo: Messaging with MSMQ, an introduction
HowTo: Logging with Log4Net
.NET, log4net, logging. c#
HowTo: Time-controlled & recurrent functions in .NET & ASP.NET
HowTo, Timer, Timers, Zeit
HowTo: Facebook Connect & ASP.NET MVC
ASP.NET MVC, Facebook, Facebook Connect, HowTo
HowTo: Cross Domain Ajax with JSONP and ASP.NET
HowTo: Introduction in to MetaWebLog API
Windows 7 RC Training Kit for Developer
Traning Kit, Windows 7
Visual Studio 2010 & .NET Framework 4 Training Kit - May Preview
.NET, .NET 4.0, Training Kit
Inside Microsoft's home of the future
Microsoft, NUI
Free eBook: Practical .NET Unit Testing
eBook, Unit Testing
Free eBook: Testing Chapter from Beginning ASP.NET MVC
Agil, ASP.NET MVC, eBooks, MVC
HowTo: Create RSS Feeds with Linq to XML / XLinq
HowTo: Tweet with C#
HowTo, Tweetsharp, Twitter
Free eBooks: ADO.NET Entity Framework, Powershell & C#
ADO.NET EF, C#, eBooks, Powershell
HowTo: From the view to the controller in ASP.NET MVC with ModelBinders
ASP.NET MVC, HowTo, ModelBinders
HowTo: Rename SQL Tables in Visual Studio
HowTo, SQL, Visual Studio
HowTo: Setup IIS7 as development server in Visual Studio 2008
ASP.NET, HowTo, IIS7, Vista
HowTo: Understanding Interfaces - a simple description
HowTo, Interfaces
Live Framework SDK is now public
Live Framework, Live Mesh, Mesh
HowTo: First steps with the Windows Azure CTP and the first "HelloWorld"
ASP.NET, Azure, Cloud, Cloud Computing, HowTo, Web Role, Windows Azure
HowTo: Hello "Cloud-Computing"
Amazon, Amazon EC2, AppEngine, Google, HowTo, Phyton, S3, Windows Azure
25 Years Microsoft Press - 2 books for free
Books, MS Press
HowTo: Create SQL Table Relationships via Drag´n´Drop
HowTo, Relationships, SQL, Tips
HowTo: SQL Database web access with ASP.NET Dynamic Data and Entity Framework (hosted on IIS 6.0)
Admin, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, Dynamic Data, HowTo, IIS 6.0, Routing
ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RC published
Windows 7 Beta - First impressions
Gadgets, Vista, Windows 7
Monomentale games
.NET, Games, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mono, unity 3d, Wii
Microsoft Surface + XNA: Creative touchscreen ideas
Surface, XNA
Some notes about ASP.NET MVC RC & the MVC Design Gallery
The perfect time to release source code?
ASP.NET MVC, Community, MVC, Open Source, Oxite, Storefront
Silverlight & 3D: Photosynth Viewer and other samples
3D, Photosynth, Silverlight
HowTo: Use the new ASP.NET Chart Controls with ASP.NET MVC
ASP.NET MVC, Charting, Charts, HowTo, Microsoft, MVC
"g-speak" - Minority Report alike UI/operating environment
Minority Report, Multitouch, UI
HowTo: First steps with ASP.NET MVC
HowTo: Basics of ASP.NET MVC or why MVC?
HowTo: First Steps with MEF (Hello MEF!)
AddIns, HowTo, MEF, Plugins, System.AddIn
Quantum of Silverlight 3
Silverlight, Silverlight 3
HowTo: Taskmanagement with Visual Studio (ToDos, Hacks & co.)
HowTo, Taskmanagement, TFS, Visual Studio
How Live Mesh Apps may look like...
Live Mesh, SDK
"Wow": Photosynth & Unwrap Mosaics
Deepzoom, Microsoft Research, Photosynth, Surface, Unwrap Mosaics
HowTo: Use PicLens and other MediaRSS Clients for your own Website (create MediaRSS with LINQ to XML)
HowTo, LINQ, LINQ to XML, MediaRss, RSS, XLINQ, Xml
HowTo: Create RSS Feeds with LINQ to XML (XLinq)
HowTo, LINQ, LINQ to XML, RSS, Xml
Silverlight 2 Beta 2 & Expression Blend 2.5 June 2008 Preview released
Expression Blend 2.5, Silverlight 2, UI
Steve & Bill...
Bill Gates, Fun, Steve Ballmer, Windows
ASP.NET MVC Preview 3 released
XNA Game Studio 3.0 CTP: VS 2008 & .NET 3.5
.NET 3.5, Game, Visual Studio 2008, XNA
jQuery... some links
AJAX, Javascript, jQuery
SQL Injection
Fun, SQL, SQL Injection
ASP.NET MVC - Resources
Information about Live Mesh
Live, Live Mesh, Microsoft, Windows Live
Real World High Scalability Applications: The Architectur
High Scalability
HowTo: Create PDF by click - on the fly
Export, FO, Handler, HowTo, nFop, PDF, Xml, XSLT
UI Prototyping with PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint, PowerPoint 2007, Prototyping, UI
ASP.NET MVC: Using a ActionFilter for logging
ActionFilters, ASP.NET MVC, log4net, logging
ASP.NET MVC April CodePlex Source Push
ASP.NET MVC, Codeplex, MVC
ASP.NET MVC: Display dynamic data on master pages
ASP.NET MVC, Components
[Update] Icons, Icons, Icons... for free!
ASP.NET MVC - "AddIns" on Codeplex
ASP.NET, Codeplex, jQuery, MVC
HowTo: LINQ to SQL debugging
Debugging, HowTo, LINQ, LINQ to SQL
HowTo: Searchprovider / Browserplugin for IE7 and Firefox - the OpenSearchDescription
Browser, Firefox, HowTo, IE, IE7, OpenSearchDescription, Xml
ASP.NET MVC - Pagination View User Control
ASP.NET MVC, Paging, User Controls